The map is a computer processed image which has been simplified and is not to scale. All information in the map including but not limited to the location of the Development and its surrounding environment, driving routes, roads, cities, districts, airports, buildings, construction works and facilities (if any) are for reference only. The actual development within the areas shown on the map may be significantly different from any information, predictions or expectations expressed on the map, which shall not constitute or be construed as constituting the Vendor giving any representation, undertaking or warranty, whether expressed or implied. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the Development. The Vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.
- Source of information of “SKYCITY”(Site A1a): https://www.hongkongairport.com/en/the-airport/airport-city.page (Retrieval date: 4th January 2021)
- Estimated time of driving from the Development to the above mentioned destinations has been made reference to Google Map. The information is for reference only. Actual time required may vary subject to the traffic, speed, weather and road condition. The exact locations of the above mentioned destinations of “Tsim Sha Tsui” and “Central” are The Peninsula Hong Kong and International Finance Centre Hong Kong (ifc) respectively.
- Estimated time of driving from the Development to the above mentioned destinations has been made reference to Amap. The information is for reference only. Actual time required may vary subject to the traffic, speed, weather and road condition.
- Estimated time of driving from the Development to Hong Kong International Airport through Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Tunnel has been made reference to Google Map. Estimated time of driving through the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Website (https://www.hzmb.hk/en/index.html) (Retrieval date: 4th January 2021). The information is for reference only. Actual time required may vary subject to the traffic, speed, weather and road condition.
- Source of information of “Tuen Man Western Bypass (TMWB)”: https://hzmb.hk/eng/about_overview_05.html (Retrieval date: 28th August 2020)
- Source of information of “Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge (SZB)”: https://www.bayarea.gov.hk/en/connectivity/key.html (Retrieval date: 14th September 2020)
- Source of information of Route 6 which will be formed by the proposed Central Kowloon Route (CKR), the Trunk Road T2 and Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel (TKO-LTT): https://www.tko-ltt.hk/en/overview.php (Retrieval date: 28th December 2020)
- Approx. 22mins2 to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station
- Approx. 22mins2 to Tsim Sha Tsui
- Approx. 30mins2 to Central
- Approx. 35mins3 to Shenzhen Bay Port [via Shenzhen Bay Bridge]
- Approx. 20mins4 to Hong Kong International Airport [via Tuen Mun–Chek Lap Kok Tunnel]
- Approx. 60mins4 to Zhuhai Port and Macao Port [via Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge]
The map is a computer processed image which has been simplified and is not to scale. All information in the map including but not limited to the location of the Development and its surrounding environment, driving routes, roads, cities, districts, airports, buildings, construction works and facilities (if any) are for reference only. The actual development within the areas shown on the map may be significantly different from any information, predictions or expectations expressed on the map, which shall not constitute or be construed as constituting the Vendor giving any representation, undertaking or warranty, whether expressed or implied. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the Development. The Vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.
- Source of information of “SKYCITY”(Site A1a): https://www.hongkongairport.com/en/the-airport/airport-city.page (Retrieval date: 4th January 2021)
- Estimated time of driving from the Development to the above mentioned destinations has been made reference to Google Map. The information is for reference only. Actual time required may vary subject to the traffic, speed, weather and road condition. The exact locations of the above mentioned destinations of “Tsim Sha Tsui” and “Central” are The Peninsula Hong Kong and International Finance Centre Hong Kong (ifc) respectively.
- Estimated time of driving from the Development to the above mentioned destinations has been made reference to Amap. The information is for reference only. Actual time required may vary subject to the traffic, speed, weather and road condition.
- Estimated time of driving from the Development to Hong Kong International Airport through Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Tunnel has been made reference to Google Map. Estimated time of driving through the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Website (https://www.hzmb.hk/en/index.html) (Retrieval date: 4th January 2021). The information is for reference only. Actual time required may vary subject to the traffic, speed, weather and road condition.
- Source of information of “Tuen Man Western Bypass (TMWB)”: https://hzmb.hk/eng/about_overview_05.html (Retrieval date: 28th August 2020)
- Source of information of “Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge (SZB)”: https://www.bayarea.gov.hk/en/connectivity/key.html (Retrieval date: 14th September 2020)
- Source of information of Route 6 which will be formed by the proposed Central Kowloon Route (CKR), the Trunk Road T2 and Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel (TKO-LTT): https://www.tko-ltt.hk/en/overview.php (Retrieval date: 28th December 2020)